Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Back Flash: USF Student Oracle 10/2002!

U.S. should reconsider its motives for going to war!

In 1988 with the selection of George Bush Sr., this country was taken from a time of social, political and economic victory to record lows.

It is no surprise he was not elected to a second term. For the next eight years, the Clinton administration lead the nation to elevated levels of economic stability, and he revered diplomacy as the center of foreign relations, not military coercion.

Now as Bush Jr. presides, our nation is experiencing economic woes, disasters, wars and forgotten promises. It would not credit my argument to fault the Bush administration with all the aches of the United States, but those which have come from the executive branch will certainly be addressed.

The last 14 years may prove to have been as significant a period as the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution. This technological age has changed our way of life. Therefore, how the nation is governed must also change. Economic principles that say that a war will boost the economy may not necessarily apply in a service focused system and with enhanced information technologies.

It is no coincidence that during 4 years of Bush Sr. there was a major war against an OPEC country. Then 8 years of Clinton with no "major" war. An administration that gave due attention to the conflict between Israel and Palestine which should be a major concern of the United States, considering our past involvement in the development of Israel. A conflict based on religious ideologies, which link to the foundations of our nation. Do we forget our Christian roots when convenient? And if not, shouldn't this conflict be our major concern?

After a terrible national disaster in 9/11, our immediate reaction is war. A war determined to take place for three subliminal thoughts unspoken but in the minds of the Bush advisors: approval ratings, oil, and economic boost. Furthermore, this "terrorist" attack had no more of an impact than domestic terrorism over the past 16 years. Attacks against American ideas, which are inherently not American.

The preservation of the principles that make this nation great are, as I said, distorted. The war in Afghanistan and against terrorism has a cost far more exceeding the budget of the ideological foundations of liberty that guide the U.S.

When seeking Americas most wanted, do we blow up a city block and call those lost causalities of war? More reason for hate is being garnered against our nation even though the mood the people is captured very well in the saying, "Can't we all just get along".

Despite this mood, collectively the nation emits an aroma of collective arrogance, ambition, economic and religious superiority. And it's these very acquired "American" characteristics that are truly un-American.

On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States experienced one of the most devastating disasters of the century. What is even more saddening than the loss of American lives is the many more lost around the world because of our reactions. Actions that make us terrorist in the perceptions of many people, both foreign and domestic. Perhaps these lost lives will not be in vain if we were to take a moment and examine the underlining reasons for why they died. We have gone to war and experienced economic crisis, but we have yet to reflect upon the vanity of these precious lives. What a shame on us and the leaders of this nation. Bin Laden can continue to hide in caves, but we must not hide behind any mountain before we confront these things.

This is America, a nation that exudes liberty no matter the extent of the national emergency or crises. What is American during prosperity is also American during hard times, emergency and war. I cannot advocate that we have done even a satisfactory job of preserving true American values as set forth by the founding fathers. Neither has our progress been pleasing in the eyes of God in which we declare our trust and allegiance. Maybe in this end we ( or at least George W. Bush) should look for righteousness from above, and not from ourselves

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