Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Health Care Crisis

I have written the President numerous times; stressing the Health Care crisis our nation is experiencing. My views are not partisan or subject to any political agenda. I urge you to pressure the President, his staff, and Congress to work towards resolving this problem in the interest of the public good.

The problem is very simple, the COST of health care is to high. All the solutions, no one has, but the direction should be at regulation of the insurance and the health care industries. Measures like tort reform and not holding insurance companies responsible for their policies that are aimed at gaining profit but lacking protection for the livelihood of their customer are highly questionable of their motives.

Until recently as a Christian, and because of 911 I gave President Bush the benefit of the doubt and I was registered an independent until 2004. Now I believe and it should be clear to you, rather rich or poor, that President George W. Bush truly does not have the interest of the general public in mind. I regret to say this. What is wrong in that White House?

Here is an article giving empirical research to support my views:

Action must be taken to preserve the health of America, Now!

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