Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cindy Sheehan is Simply a Good American Citizen

I write this post out of disgust and in response to those that are unduly criticizing the mother Ms. Cindy Sheehan that lost her son in the Iraq War. Ms. Sheehan has been camped outside of Mr. George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch during his 5 week vacation. She pledges to hold this Vigil/Protest until the end of Bush’s vacation.

Some have said that Ms. Sheehan is making political statements, and has “thoughts without clarity”. For god’s sake she is an average citizen; she is a mother, not a politician or actor. She can say whatever she pleases. Some have criticized Ms. Sheehan for her divorce and her relationship with her family. All of this talk is absurd and irrelevant. It is not our place to critique her, but to support her. How much must we ask of the families of our fallen soldiers?!!! Mr. Bush and the Republican Party have employed professional political operatives, organizations, & White House resources to discredit Ms. Sheehan, an average American citizen. This is simply a shame.

It is not a radical notion to assert that tax paying Americans that do not support the War possess the right to demand answers, to demand change in American policy, and to demand Victory in Iraq. Especially those tax paying Americans that have lost Family in Iraq. I must emphasize “tax paying”. It is your and my money that is paying for the War in Iraq.

If you would visualize our Justice system as an analogy to this protest by Ms. Sheehan. Ms. Sheehan is the plaintiff, and Mr. Bush is the defendant. He took us to War; he made the call that cost the life of Ms. Sheehan’s son. Now he must answer every one of her concerns. Concerns held by the majority of American citizens that truly wish to preserve the integrity of our system of Democracy. This wish that Republicans and Democrats could overwhelmingly agree upon.

If Jesus Christ himself were out calling this War wrong, many of you would attempt to discredit him. Liberals listen to reason. What do Conservatives listen too? By your actions, it is certainly not your proclaimed Faith in God.

I simply ask for this issue with Ms. Cindy Sheehan to not be politicized, and mucked up. The matter is black and white; Cindy Sheehan is a grieving mother that would like to speak with the President. She gave her son for Bush’s War, what sacrifices have you made for the War in Iraq?

Please support Ms. Sheehan’s efforts.

CNN Reports:

The Nation reports:

Meet with Cindy Org:


The Game said...

Many are not saying she can not say whatever she wants...the original problem was that she was lying when it came to her story about meeting the President...that has been well documented, even my the liberal media

The second problem is that she has been a left wing activist her whole life, and she seems to be using her sons death to advance her political agenda...that was made more clear a few days ago when she started talking about Israel and Palestine, then talked about not paying she doesn't want to be tax paying...

Just about every single family member has come out and said what she is doing is dishonoring her sons loss of life...

people are protesting this war all the time..but even the liberal media has seen that she has a hidden agenda...

She already spoke to the President, and she was thankful for the meeting, that is, until people like and Michael Moore got to her...

The Game said...

I have posted one final blog on the topic.. take a look and click on the links...I would really like to see how she can be defened after you read it...if that story is not good enough...just go down a bit and read the other two blogs.

The Game said...

I'll just keep talking to myself...

Casey volunteered for the army basically his mom is calling HIM a liar and an idiot...he knew what the job was, wanted to fight this war...

He volunteered to go on the mission he was ultimately killed in...

That makes this story very sad...Casey is a hero, his mom should be ashamed.