Thursday, March 01, 2007

3 Candidates for President Already Out

I am ready to at least predict that Obama, Romney, and Edwards will loose and will not even come close to winning their parties nomination. They are already out the race to the next president of the United States. Read my blog, my political predictions are about 80% spot on. These candidates can maybe save time if they replace some key campaign staffers, but quickly. After reading this article one would guess they all have the same campaign manager or marketing firm, a loosing one. You tell me?

Romney, you're a Republican.

Edwards, you blew your shot.

Obama, my brother, some free advice. Change your name Mr. Vice-President to be.


Presidential Hopefuls Buzzword Takes Off

Source: Associated Press Newswires 02/21/2007

WASHINGTON (AP) - Meet the transformers. No, they're not toy action figures or electrical components. They're candidates for president, and transformational leadership is their calling card.

Democratic Sen. Barack Obama announced he was running for president by declaring, "I want to transform this country."

Republican Mitt Romney launched his candidacy by telling people, "If there ever was a time when innovation and transformation were needed in government, it is now."

And Democrat John Edwards revved up his second presidential bid by offering "transformational change that will strengthen this country," as he phrased it in a recent Associated Press interview.

Just what is a transformational leader?

Presidential historian James MacGregor Burns, whose 1978 book "Leadership" is widely admired and studied, wrote that a "transformational leader stands on the shoulders of his followers, expressing coherently those ideas which lie inchoate in the hearts of the followers -- and in the process makes his followers into new leaders."

That's what Howard Dean tried to do in 2004 with his grass-roots-powered populism -- until his primeval scream in Iowa drowned out the whole thing.

Democratic consultant Joe Trippi, who helped to frame Dean's campaign after reading Burns' book, welcomes the talk about transformational leadership rippling through the early campaign rhetoric this time.

"You see it now popping up on the Internet," he says. "I think it's a very healthy thing that at least we're in some discussion."

He's not sure, however, that the candidates realize how hard it is to avoid the more traditional "transactional" form of political leadership typified by pitches such as: "I'll give you a tax cut for your vote."

"Any one of these candidates could be a truly transformational candidate," Trippi says, "and any one of them could immediately revert to being transactional."

Al Gore, who so far is staying out of the race, has clearly become a transformational leader with his campaign to fight global warming, Trippi says. But if he got back into the race, "the one question mark would be: Does running ruin him being a transformational guy?"

Burns, now 88, is happy to see that candidates are talking about transformational leadership, but he's not sure they fully understand it. And even if they do, he says, "it's hard for them to realize that you don't just suddenly turn yourself into a transforming leader."

From what he's seen of the candidates so far, Burns said: "I think it's a fancy choice of words to indicate that they're going to do big things. Will they do big things? No, not in my view."

The candidates themselves speak of the need for transformation with dead-serious earnestness. Edwards, for example, is out front in calling for tax increases to pay for universal health care coverage. "On these big issues like Iraq and health care, I want to lead, not follow," he said.
Romney uses his transformational pitch to try to distinguish himself from Washington politics-as-usual. "I don't believe Washington can be transformed from within by lifetime politicians," he said.

Obama managed to tweak Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's signature line that "I'm in it to win it," when he expanded on that: "I want to win, but I don't just want to win. I want to transform the country."

It's not just the 2008 candidates who have tried to claim the mantle of transformational leader.
President Bush's aides have often spoken of his desire to be a transforming leader.
But Burns dismisses that notion out of hand.

"I can't imagine him even being serious about that," the scholar said.
Republican consultant Rich Galen thinks that all the "transformational" talk is nothing more than the latest fad in presidential packaging.

"This is the 2008 version of 'soccer mom,'" he said, evoking a catch phrase from campaigns past. And, Galen adds, probably not a very smart one.

"Candidates that are on the edge, no matter how transforming their ideas are, don't really go very far because they just make people uncomfortable," he said. "American politics generally is glacial in its changes. The notion of having somebody burst upon that scene that just changes everything happens very rarely."

Wayne Fields, an expert on presidential rhetoric at Washington University in St. Louis, said people are "fairly cynical about grandiose claims and terms, and what does it translate into specifically."

"The question of what we're really ready for is complicated," he said. "I'm all for change -- as long as it make me healthier, younger and richer."


darkangel said...

Just because Barack Obama has a "wrong name" doesn't mean he's not gonna win or at least get elected for the 2008 presidential race.

Anthony T. Brooks said...

Hi Amy. Thanks very much for your comments. I however must disagree.

By education, politics is my expertise and this how I see it.

The United States will elect

#1) a white female president before a black male president unless the candidate is a Republican with roots that are not firmly planted within the black community but still respected nationally. The only such person I can think of would be someone of the caliber of Mr. Secretary & General Colin Powell.

I also recall India, the world’s largest democracy. A nation where women are subjected to oppressive traditions however, they did elect a woman whom possessed the right last name to lead their country. I believe the USA will follow this same path and elect Hilary Clinton. Hilary Clinton also is blessed with one another advantage gifted upon her from her husband. The good economy and monetary policy of the Clinton Administration. Americans citizens Republican and Democrat do not want government messing with their pocket books. The current Bush Administration has changed the tax code, is approving deficit spending and just this year for the first time has added the Iraq War into the government budget. For you business minded folk these practice is akin to applying for a business partnership but failing to inform your business partner that you owe a loan greater than the profit your company makes. This is the practice of this current Administration frankly, it is irresponsible governance.

I will refrain from getting all complicated with my economic philosophies but I believe that regular folk are feeling financial squeezes and will pragmatically elect politicians they know will at least work to bring the budget of the United States government in check. Hilary Clinton will without question pursue similar economic policy to her husband. The Republicans tout they will not raise taxes. The fact is an increase in government spending. Example the Iraq War, is an increase in taxes. 90 Billion a year for 6 years has been spent in Iraq. Don’t these politicians realize that a fraction of that money could have created a national health care program or fixed issues brought to light with social security? Clinton will act to use American dollars for the American people and that is why I and Checks & Balances Blog will support her.

#2) The United States will never elect anyone with a Muslim name so soon after 9/11, and while the nation is still engaged in a War in Iraq. Especially after we ousted and had put to death Saddam Hussein whom Obama shares a name with.

I do believe Obama or his campaign staffers are aware of these almost certainties, therefore the true intentions of his campaign are puzzling. I would surmise Obama actually wants to be the Vice President. In addition, Senator Obama has produced zero major legislation. As seen with John Kerry, senators whom simply occupy space do not ascend to the presidency. What will he run on? Good looks and no money, I do not think so.