Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Red Alarm: American Detention Centers

The red alarm is not the Border Wall. I am not opposed to the wall but not paid for through tax payer dollars.  Closing the government or declaring a national emergency is irresponsible. Furthermore declaring of a national emergency is not restricted to the issue of the Wall. During an emergency Presidential authority would be unchecked; it is akin to martial law. Do you believe that Donald Trump's declaration would self limiting in regards to scope? The country is not experiencing a domestic war, terrorist attack, nor weather related catastrophe. These are the scenarios which merit a declaration of emergency.

Now the bells are sounding with the request for additional immigrant detention center funds (beds). Centers which were already put in place using ICE current funding levels. Persons of conscious and Democratic leaders much not support continued funding there for expansion of these centers. From an observers point of view, I suspect, without evidence, that treatment in these facilities are presently inhumane, cruel and possibly illegal. I do not stress illegal because many actions can be legal but still unjust and inhumane. What raises my strong objection is the secrecy of these facilities. Numerous reports of Republican and Democratic elected representatives cannot access these facilities and when they are the situation appears to be staged. Next: 2 children have died while in custody at these detention centers. This is what we know. How many adults have died in them? What has not been reported nor released to the public? This cannot be accepted nor explain away. The program must be ENDED!

Remember slavery, remember Japanese Americans held in detention camps. The slippery slop of going down this path in the name of national security is a red alarm! The government is saying these immigrants therefore have no "human rights". The Trump Administration by these actions has made a clear statement.


DHS Budget

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