Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Tribute to my mother: Gloria

This evening, I would like to write a tribute perhaps the first of many to my strong honorable mother who was and is there for me especially during a time when I was out of sorts. The root meaning of the name Gloria means many things, one is beauty. The word which on my heart also tonight as President Joe Biden says farewell to the nation is honor. Amazingly that is also part of the historical definition of her name sake...that of worldly honor. Not posting her picture out of respect and privacy but that of an Angel of Glory.

"gloria (n.) name of one of the Christian songs of praise, early 13c., from Medieval Latin gloria in Gloria in Excelsis, the Great Doxology, Gloria Patri (the Lesser Doxology), from Latin gloria "glory"

c. 1200, gloire "the splendor of God or Christ; praise offered to God, worship," from Old French glorie "glory (of God); worldly honor, renown; splendor, magnificence, pomp" (11c., Modern French gloire), from Latin gloria "fame, renown, great praise or honor," a word of uncertain origin.

Meaning "one who is a source of glory" is from mid-14c. Also in Middle English "thirst for glory, vainglory, pride, boasting, vanity" (late 14c.), Sense of "magnificence" is late 14c. in English. Meaning "worldly honor, fame, renown." Latin also had gloriola "a little fame." Glory days was in use by 1970. Old Glory for "the American flag" is first attested 1862.

The Christian senses are from the Latin word's use in the Bible to translate Greek doxa "expectation" (Homer), later "an opinion, judgment," and later still "opinion others have of one (good or bad), fame; glory," which was used in Biblical writing to translate a Hebrew word which had a sense of "brightness, splendor, magnificence, majesty of outward appearance." The religious use has colored that word's meaning in most European tongues. Wuldor was an Old English word used in this sense.



Sunday, January 12, 2025

January's Mantra: Peace, Love, Forgiveness, Joy and Prosperity.

 My journey with continues learning has not led me to discovering faith for I was born into a family of faith, reborn into a family of faith, and after many vices and mistakes am connecting to a community of family I had not known not much about. Even though mantra's change the spirit of the Prince of Peace guides me hold the line in solidarity with many strong sisters , names unspoken,  who are fine examples of "standing in the gap". Adding to December's mantra moving on to January 2025: Peace, Love, Forgiveness, Joy, then prosperity. And I am not talking about the prosperity gospel, with all do respect I personally skipped that phase in the gospel as I was taught the old school way - 'money is the root of all evil'. Keeping the faith, standing in the gap and praying for for mixed families through out the United States of America and the world. Some times we must pray as the spirit guides us. Good morning friends and family. Peace, Love, Forgiveness, Joy and Prosperity.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A Tribute to Fmr. President Jimmy Carter: A legacy of Peace


    The title of my post and the above captions say enough. The events occurring during this time of transition to a new era and style of leadership we must remember this country is built upon a foundation of democracy which end goals always leans towards peace. A legacy of peace and volunteerism; this written in tribute to the work of to Former President Jimmy Carter and his Wife Mrs. R. Carter! 

    There is an event occurring down in Sarasota Florida honoring Mr. Carter; I am not able to attend as my spouse and I are for the first time in my adult life being without a vehicle. Little humorous but learning from the experience. Such will make us stringer and wiser! - A. T. (Yoda) Brooks


Saturday, January 04, 2025

Control Vs. Possessiveness Vs. Assertiveness

 This season I felt the need to write on this topic after hearing a friendly comment made by one of my beautiful neighbors (haha). Acknowledging my grumpy today; I appreciate the effort of being neighborly. Observing a good connection with youth for some reason perhaps out of a natural need to teach I have no yet explored. That being said this neighbor is an adult however youthful to me. A positive change for the times. The idea of being controlling or possessive in a relationships rather it be a marriage, dating, friendship or even working relationship. My mantra this year begins with Peace & love therefore any aggressive tendencies are out of the picture or tempered by self control. Meaning less verbal cursing and more assertive communication. - A.T. (Yoda) Brooks

When querying A.I. on the topic the below answer was provided, the below words are not my own:


Monday, December 23, 2024

The Arc of history bends towards love


Martin Luther King Jr. - 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice', Our God is Marching On (How Long, Not Long) - 1965

The above quote I researched after reflecting upon speeches by the Honorable Former President Barack Obama where he would refer to bending the ark of history. Applying this concept to my personal efforts at making sobriety more of a priority. Total no, progress YES. Any effort made towards the light, moves the arc of history towards good, peace, justice and love. Now earlier today in a discussion with a close loved the matter of money came up. My response first was I am pursuing an educational goal presently. To add in our capitalist society when shall the money pour down and to whom? That is not my concern today - A.T. (Yoda) Brooks


The Day Before Christmas Eve: Peace, love, unity & respect for life.



    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 

Where there is hatred, let me bring love.

Where there is offense, let me bring innocence.

Where there is conflict & drama, let me bring unity.

Where there is error, let me bring truth.

    Where there is doubt & indecision, let us bring faith.

Where there is pain, let us bring healing.

Where there is darkness, let us bring light.

Where there is sadness, let us bring joy.

    O Lord, grant I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love,

for it is in forgiving that one is forgiven

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned

it is in accepting Jesus, the Christ that

 one awakens to a new eternal life.


Source: St. Francis Prayer for Peace adapted from the below source by A.T. (Yoda) Brooks

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Prayers for Comfort and Healing


The below prayer I put into the atmosphere on behalf on those needing comfort & healing. And also to teach those who may not have the right words or knowledge of the value in prayer & faith. First you must believe. - A.T. Brooks (Independent)

Comfort and Healing during this special holiday season

 Heavenly Father, in times of sickness

We seek your comfort and strength.

Be with those through the world suffering from sickness whatever form it may be.

Provide them your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Grant them strength, courage, and hope to face the challengers ahead.

Let them feel your loving presence.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Edited from the below Source: