And a Case for Religion
Let me first say that to fully appreciate this post you should be a believer in faith, religion, the supernatural, or what I would call principalities. And for those of you in the middle and with an open mind, here is a definition of faith: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1”
For the Husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined into his wife, and they shall be one in flesh. Esp: 23-25 & 31
These words are taken directly from the King James Bible. You can find these verses in Ephesians; verses 23 -25 and verse 31.
We live in a world of uncertain anticipation and high anxiety. The United States now has a Terror Alert System and lets not forget America’s Most Wanted, the Jerry Springer Show, Cops, More Bills than days in the week, bad traffic and car accidents, a volatile stock market, a corrupt government, Wars, natural disasters, no human right to health care with all of its options, and the threat of biological and nuclear annihilation. I can recall the Bible predicting such a time.
And Jesus answered and said to his disciples Take no heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Matt: 24: 3-6 & 11
And what about the trend of pomposity , opposed to Christ’s example of humility found within the Christian community. The Devil is no more happy as when a person accepts the teachings of the Buddha as when another person is born again into the body of Christ. My point in this example is simply that Christianity is not right for all, and is not superior to any other religion that serve the same purpose. And what is that purpose. Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, etc.. are all players and opponents of a religious institution of the Devil that thrives on tempting men & women with pursuits of worldly pleasures. Some, not all of this pleasures include money, fame, power, self indulgence, lust, and fear. This world needs religion especially those that strive to place restraint on the excessive, unhealthy, ungodly pursuit of the pleasures of life.
Now that we have established a religious reference point I will address the matter of removing Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube and other relevant matters affecting our country. In the case of Terri Schiavo I live in the area this is taking place, so I am no expert but I know first hand.. As stated above in the verses from the Bible this matter is a decision of the Family, and more specifically the husband. I am not saying the parents have no role, the Bible does give them a place. Our Republican led government in Washington and Tallahassee has destroyed the wall dividing privacy and personal, intimate family matters. The Government has NO place, You have NO place, I have NO place in the matter of Terri Schiavo. This is a matter strictly of family and yes the courts which I have more confidence in then our corrupt Congress. I must also say that we must develop a better medical method of dealing with these type of situations besides simply removing someone’s feeding tube. We do not scientifically understand the organ of the brain enough to assure this person is not suffering during this process. Which would be illegal in my opinion according to the Constitution of the United States.
The Republicans, Yes the Republicans have made an error on the side of Life. In our hospitals you have a right to life only if you can afford it. This reality is proven, just look at George W. Bush’s decisions as Governor of Texas giving hospitals the power to make medical decisions for a person without insurance. Shouldn’t access to health care, and a doctor be a right?
In our courts you have a right to justice only if you can pay for it. See this in President Bush’s push for Tort Reforms that Congress passed making it more difficult for the average citizen, for you and me, to have access to the courts. Shouldn’t access to the courts, and to afford a lawyer be a right?
In our nation you have a right to life unless you’re a civilian or soldier causality of the War Against Terror.
In our nation you can only hold public office if you can pay for it. The average amount of money needed to run for your state legislature is $200,000, and $50,000,000 to run for President. And if you’re lucky to raise this much money you will without question be held accountable not the people, but to corporate interest whose goals is not to serve the people, but to make profits. Shouldn’t the ability to hold public office be a reasonably attainable right?
The Republican Party has hijacked the religion of my God, and some Christian communities within the United States have rejected the teachings of the Bible, and the example of Jesus Christ it tells us of. The example of caring for and ministering to the poor, and humbleness. I will discuss three of many examples to prove my point, and I will call anyone a fool & sucker that disagrees:
1) changes in the Bankruptcy Law that leaves provisions protecting the financial interest of corporations and business untouched, while making it harder for the average citizen to file bankruptcy. Let me also add for your information, studies show that half of all bankruptcies can be attributed to individual medical expenses. These are people that have health insurance. Furthermore do you realize that most health insurance plans are capped at $100,000. Hospitals bills are not small items, a minor operation or accident can run you much more than $100,000. Do you have this money in the bank, I sure don’t? Then what is insurance for if it will not take care of me when I need it most?
2) Government’s neglect in making Health Care accessible and affordable for all citizens regardless of how much money they make. This government has also opposed cheaper medications being bought from Canada. They say it is unsafe, the President has said this. My friend these are the same exact medications! President Bush and Congress also passed Medicaid reforms that do not allow for negotiation for cheaper medication cost for seniors. President George W. Bush and his Congress are presently discussing the Budget which calls for a reduction in the funding of many domestic programs including Medicare, Medicaid, and local Health care agencies. Why cut these programs and continue to fully fund not only the Defense Department, but an additional above this supplemental bill allotting $80 Billion more Dollars per year on the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. These are very important matters that you must open your eyes too. This is your money, this is my money and frankly I’m getting disgusted with how it is being spent, miss used and then forcing us to borrow billions from other countries because of Republican financial irresponsibility. This is the true policy of this Republican led Government. And I stand by my words.
3) Conducting Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for unjustified reasons, and not ending these war after the reasons for going were disproved. For those of you that do not know absolutely no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. In addition why have our gas prices gone up after we have taken over Iraq? I hope this question makes you think. Also think about what business the Bush Family is in? This is no propaganda, just fact. I cannot do justice to the military service of my aunt who is a proud Marine if I did not mention the fact that none of the President Bush’s children are fighting in the wars although they are of age. Neither that of Dick Cheney, nor any significant number of members of the Cabinet, or Congress that have sent 2,000 American men & women to their deaths, and 11,500 more wounded. For what cost? I truly believe these men and women died to grow American corporate interest. Not the interest of the average American citizen, but the already filthy, yes filthy rich.
4) Changes in the tax code and proposed changes in the Social Security Program that CLEARLY cannot and will not benefit you and me. These changes will rob us of our hard earn money.
In my eyes these measures are a direct attack against the health, finances, and livelihood of the Poor, working poor, those not able to work, and the middle class. I hope you will do everything you know how in order to oppose every distortion of information, wrong, biased, unjust, and derelict initiative of President George W. Bush and his Congress. Please remember the Bible verses from above; people of Faith must be aware of false leaders that come in the name of our Lord.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Random Rant #2: Precedence of War
I pose a question to you. Can the White House, Pentagon, and or the CIA be sued in the courts based on grounds that “the reason that the president gave us for going to war is unjustified and it's not the reason that the Congress gave him permission to go to war”. The goal would be to end the War in Iraq legally.
Let me also add, it is now proven that the proclamations of many from all parties that Neo-Cons and War hawks have taken over Washington are in fact true. My comments would be better directed at Republicans that still have common sense and decency. Paul Wolfowitz, architect for the War in Iraq has now been nominated to head the World Bank. Another War Hawk has been appointed UN ambassador. The Former National Security Advisor C. Rice is now Sec. of State. The Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld is still in office even after countless failures and mismanagement. The White House allowed in fake reporters and paid the media to promote its propaganda. Nothing that I’m saying is false; these are facts and I will stand behind them. What is President Bush posturing to do? Is the collapse of our economy imminent and he is assuring the rich will endure? The voice of the minority is being censored in the Senate. Why is Congress supporting measures stripping the American people of the very accessibility of the American dream? I don’t want these people running my country!
We’ve taken over Iraq; an OPEC nation. We’ve taken over Afghanistan; a link to the east (or excuse me pipeline), and now we will begin drilling for oil in piece of land that was once reserved. These things are no coincidences. Don’t have a short memory; add all the collective moves of our nation since George W. took office coupled with the Bush Family Busniess:Oil! We are now U.S.A.C.O.
And to all you progressive leaders who are unwilling to organize, and form powerful collaborative bodies because of some anti-establishment, unrealistic, abstract, freethinking ideology you’ll cause the demise of our movement.
And to you darn Republicans, Neo-Cons, liars, corporate crooks, “Conservatives” (not Christians) when true Americans take back our country I pray you will finally see the errors in your evil ideology. Exception can be made for those of you that are simply ignorant.
Isn’t there something sinister in these stances taken by Bush? This message is for my Christian friends: The Bible tells us to be weary of any world government, world church, and “to be watchful of false leaders that come in my name”. In addition it is my belief that a country with such a large economic gap between classes will not remain civil. Furthermore I also believe the color of Power is not black, white, nor brown but green.
I pose a question to you. Can the White House, Pentagon, and or the CIA be sued in the courts based on grounds that “the reason that the president gave us for going to war is unjustified and it's not the reason that the Congress gave him permission to go to war”. The goal would be to end the War in Iraq legally.
Let me also add, it is now proven that the proclamations of many from all parties that Neo-Cons and War hawks have taken over Washington are in fact true. My comments would be better directed at Republicans that still have common sense and decency. Paul Wolfowitz, architect for the War in Iraq has now been nominated to head the World Bank. Another War Hawk has been appointed UN ambassador. The Former National Security Advisor C. Rice is now Sec. of State. The Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld is still in office even after countless failures and mismanagement. The White House allowed in fake reporters and paid the media to promote its propaganda. Nothing that I’m saying is false; these are facts and I will stand behind them. What is President Bush posturing to do? Is the collapse of our economy imminent and he is assuring the rich will endure? The voice of the minority is being censored in the Senate. Why is Congress supporting measures stripping the American people of the very accessibility of the American dream? I don’t want these people running my country!
We’ve taken over Iraq; an OPEC nation. We’ve taken over Afghanistan; a link to the east (or excuse me pipeline), and now we will begin drilling for oil in piece of land that was once reserved. These things are no coincidences. Don’t have a short memory; add all the collective moves of our nation since George W. took office coupled with the Bush Family Busniess:Oil! We are now U.S.A.C.O.
And to all you progressive leaders who are unwilling to organize, and form powerful collaborative bodies because of some anti-establishment, unrealistic, abstract, freethinking ideology you’ll cause the demise of our movement.
And to you darn Republicans, Neo-Cons, liars, corporate crooks, “Conservatives” (not Christians) when true Americans take back our country I pray you will finally see the errors in your evil ideology. Exception can be made for those of you that are simply ignorant.
Isn’t there something sinister in these stances taken by Bush? This message is for my Christian friends: The Bible tells us to be weary of any world government, world church, and “to be watchful of false leaders that come in my name”. In addition it is my belief that a country with such a large economic gap between classes will not remain civil. Furthermore I also believe the color of Power is not black, white, nor brown but green.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Random Rant: Letter to my Reps
I must say that I have serious concerns about your service as a representative of the people.
1) President Bush is proposing changes to the Social Security program that clearly are not in the best interest of the general public. Too many people are dependent on this program. Please in this matter support only measures that are in the right direction. Solvency....nothing else.
2) Congress has not passed an increase in the minimum wage, and it is presently making it more difficult for people to file bankruptcy. Why is this happening? And why aren’t my representatives (Katherine Harris, Bill Nelson, and Mel Martinez, George Bush, and Dick Cheney) doing their jobs? Are you aware of the recent study that shows that half of all bankruptcies are linked to Health Care expenses? With all the indicators and cries by American citizens wouldn't common sense tell you our leaders that the matter that needs attention is HealthCare Cost. All of these Republican policies benefit the rich, and corporations and simply neglect poor & working people. For what reason? The rich is already rich. Corporations are already making billions in profits. Does some idiot economic advisor still believe in Regan’s “trickle down effect”? My company just posted billions in profits and not a penny has trickled down to me. These policies are ashame. I work full time, and attend college and I’m poor. And with increased cost in all areas, low or no raises, things are not getting better.
3) President Bush's budget neglects domestic programs. Funding for programs for the poor, working poor, Public Health, Community Programs, City Security are being slashed. The deficit is skyrocketing and the cost of the Wars is far greater than I am willing to continue to pay. Furthermore as I look at our soldiers lost in Iraq & Afghanistan the disproportionate number of black & brown faces brings dismay, distrust, disgust. Where are your children? Bush in visions an "Ownership Society" that leaves out millions of Americans that lack the resources and some the aptitude to own homes, boats, insurance accounts, and investment accounts. It should be the priority of the government to continue programs, boaster educational financial assistance, and to promote policy to create & keep jobs here that give all Americans this opportunity to be "owners".
I truly now believe that you, our nation's leaders have broken your vow to the American people. Republicans especially and unfortunately even Democrats appear to have been bought out by special interest in big business, big money, and corporate America. I am highly disappointed and doubt I will be vote for any of you seeking further public service.
I do not support the direction this government is leading our nation. It is not right, it is not ethical, these policies fringe upon the very accessibility of acquiring the American dream.
Please do your job, and simply do what’s right for your constituents.
1) President Bush is proposing changes to the Social Security program that clearly are not in the best interest of the general public. Too many people are dependent on this program. Please in this matter support only measures that are in the right direction. Solvency....nothing else.
2) Congress has not passed an increase in the minimum wage, and it is presently making it more difficult for people to file bankruptcy. Why is this happening? And why aren’t my representatives (Katherine Harris, Bill Nelson, and Mel Martinez, George Bush, and Dick Cheney) doing their jobs? Are you aware of the recent study that shows that half of all bankruptcies are linked to Health Care expenses? With all the indicators and cries by American citizens wouldn't common sense tell you our leaders that the matter that needs attention is HealthCare Cost. All of these Republican policies benefit the rich, and corporations and simply neglect poor & working people. For what reason? The rich is already rich. Corporations are already making billions in profits. Does some idiot economic advisor still believe in Regan’s “trickle down effect”? My company just posted billions in profits and not a penny has trickled down to me. These policies are ashame. I work full time, and attend college and I’m poor. And with increased cost in all areas, low or no raises, things are not getting better.
3) President Bush's budget neglects domestic programs. Funding for programs for the poor, working poor, Public Health, Community Programs, City Security are being slashed. The deficit is skyrocketing and the cost of the Wars is far greater than I am willing to continue to pay. Furthermore as I look at our soldiers lost in Iraq & Afghanistan the disproportionate number of black & brown faces brings dismay, distrust, disgust. Where are your children? Bush in visions an "Ownership Society" that leaves out millions of Americans that lack the resources and some the aptitude to own homes, boats, insurance accounts, and investment accounts. It should be the priority of the government to continue programs, boaster educational financial assistance, and to promote policy to create & keep jobs here that give all Americans this opportunity to be "owners".
I truly now believe that you, our nation's leaders have broken your vow to the American people. Republicans especially and unfortunately even Democrats appear to have been bought out by special interest in big business, big money, and corporate America. I am highly disappointed and doubt I will be vote for any of you seeking further public service.
I do not support the direction this government is leading our nation. It is not right, it is not ethical, these policies fringe upon the very accessibility of acquiring the American dream.
Please do your job, and simply do what’s right for your constituents.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Back Flash: USF Student Oracle 10/2002!
U.S. should reconsider its motives for going to war!
In 1988 with the selection of George Bush Sr., this country was taken from a time of social, political and economic victory to record lows.
It is no surprise he was not elected to a second term. For the next eight years, the Clinton administration lead the nation to elevated levels of economic stability, and he revered diplomacy as the center of foreign relations, not military coercion.
Now as Bush Jr. presides, our nation is experiencing economic woes, disasters, wars and forgotten promises. It would not credit my argument to fault the Bush administration with all the aches of the United States, but those which have come from the executive branch will certainly be addressed.
The last 14 years may prove to have been as significant a period as the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution. This technological age has changed our way of life. Therefore, how the nation is governed must also change. Economic principles that say that a war will boost the economy may not necessarily apply in a service focused system and with enhanced information technologies.
It is no coincidence that during 4 years of Bush Sr. there was a major war against an OPEC country. Then 8 years of Clinton with no "major" war. An administration that gave due attention to the conflict between Israel and Palestine which should be a major concern of the United States, considering our past involvement in the development of Israel. A conflict based on religious ideologies, which link to the foundations of our nation. Do we forget our Christian roots when convenient? And if not, shouldn't this conflict be our major concern?
After a terrible national disaster in 9/11, our immediate reaction is war. A war determined to take place for three subliminal thoughts unspoken but in the minds of the Bush advisors: approval ratings, oil, and economic boost. Furthermore, this "terrorist" attack had no more of an impact than domestic terrorism over the past 16 years. Attacks against American ideas, which are inherently not American.
The preservation of the principles that make this nation great are, as I said, distorted. The war in Afghanistan and against terrorism has a cost far more exceeding the budget of the ideological foundations of liberty that guide the U.S.
When seeking Americas most wanted, do we blow up a city block and call those lost causalities of war? More reason for hate is being garnered against our nation even though the mood the people is captured very well in the saying, "Can't we all just get along".
Despite this mood, collectively the nation emits an aroma of collective arrogance, ambition, economic and religious superiority. And it's these very acquired "American" characteristics that are truly un-American.
On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States experienced one of the most devastating disasters of the century. What is even more saddening than the loss of American lives is the many more lost around the world because of our reactions. Actions that make us terrorist in the perceptions of many people, both foreign and domestic. Perhaps these lost lives will not be in vain if we were to take a moment and examine the underlining reasons for why they died. We have gone to war and experienced economic crisis, but we have yet to reflect upon the vanity of these precious lives. What a shame on us and the leaders of this nation. Bin Laden can continue to hide in caves, but we must not hide behind any mountain before we confront these things.
This is America, a nation that exudes liberty no matter the extent of the national emergency or crises. What is American during prosperity is also American during hard times, emergency and war. I cannot advocate that we have done even a satisfactory job of preserving true American values as set forth by the founding fathers. Neither has our progress been pleasing in the eyes of God in which we declare our trust and allegiance. Maybe in this end we ( or at least George W. Bush) should look for righteousness from above, and not from ourselves
In 1988 with the selection of George Bush Sr., this country was taken from a time of social, political and economic victory to record lows.
It is no surprise he was not elected to a second term. For the next eight years, the Clinton administration lead the nation to elevated levels of economic stability, and he revered diplomacy as the center of foreign relations, not military coercion.
Now as Bush Jr. presides, our nation is experiencing economic woes, disasters, wars and forgotten promises. It would not credit my argument to fault the Bush administration with all the aches of the United States, but those which have come from the executive branch will certainly be addressed.
The last 14 years may prove to have been as significant a period as the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution. This technological age has changed our way of life. Therefore, how the nation is governed must also change. Economic principles that say that a war will boost the economy may not necessarily apply in a service focused system and with enhanced information technologies.
It is no coincidence that during 4 years of Bush Sr. there was a major war against an OPEC country. Then 8 years of Clinton with no "major" war. An administration that gave due attention to the conflict between Israel and Palestine which should be a major concern of the United States, considering our past involvement in the development of Israel. A conflict based on religious ideologies, which link to the foundations of our nation. Do we forget our Christian roots when convenient? And if not, shouldn't this conflict be our major concern?
After a terrible national disaster in 9/11, our immediate reaction is war. A war determined to take place for three subliminal thoughts unspoken but in the minds of the Bush advisors: approval ratings, oil, and economic boost. Furthermore, this "terrorist" attack had no more of an impact than domestic terrorism over the past 16 years. Attacks against American ideas, which are inherently not American.
The preservation of the principles that make this nation great are, as I said, distorted. The war in Afghanistan and against terrorism has a cost far more exceeding the budget of the ideological foundations of liberty that guide the U.S.
When seeking Americas most wanted, do we blow up a city block and call those lost causalities of war? More reason for hate is being garnered against our nation even though the mood the people is captured very well in the saying, "Can't we all just get along".
Despite this mood, collectively the nation emits an aroma of collective arrogance, ambition, economic and religious superiority. And it's these very acquired "American" characteristics that are truly un-American.
On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States experienced one of the most devastating disasters of the century. What is even more saddening than the loss of American lives is the many more lost around the world because of our reactions. Actions that make us terrorist in the perceptions of many people, both foreign and domestic. Perhaps these lost lives will not be in vain if we were to take a moment and examine the underlining reasons for why they died. We have gone to war and experienced economic crisis, but we have yet to reflect upon the vanity of these precious lives. What a shame on us and the leaders of this nation. Bin Laden can continue to hide in caves, but we must not hide behind any mountain before we confront these things.
This is America, a nation that exudes liberty no matter the extent of the national emergency or crises. What is American during prosperity is also American during hard times, emergency and war. I cannot advocate that we have done even a satisfactory job of preserving true American values as set forth by the founding fathers. Neither has our progress been pleasing in the eyes of God in which we declare our trust and allegiance. Maybe in this end we ( or at least George W. Bush) should look for righteousness from above, and not from ourselves
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