September 24: Impeachment March on WashingtonJoin the Impeachment Contingent at the Next Largest Anti-War Demonstration Thus Far
White House - 12 noon
In light of the state of our economy, the continued misinformation provided by the White House, voting discrepancies in the elections of 2000 & 2004, the President and Vice President’s financial interest in the War on Terror, disregard for procedures of Justice in the detaining of foreigners, changes in monetary policy favoring corporations and the wealthy, Gas Prices, the Karl Rove Scandal, a disregard to matters concerning the Will of the People, and the Downing Street Memo; I know without a doubt that WE, the American People have been HOOD WINKLED.
Demanding the Resignation or Impeachment of President G. W. Bush and V.P. Cheney is a stance on principle required in order to respect the mandates of our Constitution and the ideas of American Democracy. Our nation was founded on the notion that “All men were created equal, endowed with unalienable rights” which implies that American values of Justice are universal and applies to all; citizen, alien, or enemy. Justice is blind and is constant in all situations, in all times; War or Peace. There is no other public office than the President that is charged with maintaining these American standards, a duty that G.W. Bush has been derelict in. And there is no better system in the world than the U.S. system of Checks and Balances investing Justice, Executive Duties, and Legislation in three separate and equally powerful institutions. But when these balances are off set, tainted, & corrupted this once Just America could become the very embodiment of the oppressive ideas that spurred the creation of our ideas of freedom.
What American values do I speak of? The value of Democracy, which takes precedence over capitalism. It is Democracy we should strive to preserve. This is a principle that is synonymous with Freedom. Capitalism is an economic construct subject to change. Our nation was founded on the principle of Democracy and our economic system of capitalism would not exist without first a sound democracy and all the rights it give to its citizens. Even the right to choose a different economic system. And there is another necessity for this sound democracy to maintain; for the Election process to remain void of partisan influences, special interest, and corruption. With partisan Supervisor of Election offices and State Secretaries, new inauditble voting systems, the election of 2000 when the Supreme Court decided the president of the United States, and in 2004 with voter suppression and discrepancies in the states of Florida, Ohio, and Washington this is not the case.
The value of Justice and the Law of Due Process. Our Constitution recognizes there are procedures for administrating Justice even to though someone may be classified as an enemy combatants. I speak specifically of the War on Terror, Iraq, & Afghanistan. There is no exception; there is no gray area. Justice is Justice. President Bush has gravely disregarded this principle in his War on Terror. The President is not above the Law, nor is the military. Nor do they possess the Constitutional right to restrict oversight of all matters of our nation from the people. They are vested with doing nothing ore, than serving the American people and abiding by our Constitution, Laws & Treaties.
The American Precedent of War. Yes, America has a tradition of War but in carrying this big stick we have a responsibility to ourselves and the World. We must not abuse this power and gift, which we are presently doing. And at the very least the President must be truthful with the American people on the matters of War. For there is No more serious decision that a nation can make.
This is not a matter of Democrat or Republican. Conservative or Liberal. Christian or Muslim. But of Democracy & Justice. And there is only one way, the American way. President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney must step down or we, the American people, must remove them from office.
-Anthony Brooks
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