The Democratic Party must not overlook a potential weak link in its goal to retake the House of Representatives in November 2006.
In my opinion Nancy Pelosi is this weak link.
Pelosi is currently poised to become the next Speaker of the House. Being the primary proponent of a democratic strategy based solely on the culture of corruption, which failed in winning Duck Cunningham’s Congressional seat in her home state of California Pelosi has possibly shown herself to be an inept leader.
I welcome any supporter of Pelosi to dispute this analysis.
Steny H. Hoyer is poised to become the next Minority Leader. In his present role he has provided little leadership in articulating a coherent Democratic message.
With all respect to DNC Chair Howard Dean, the Party also needs voices that are considered to be mainstream & reasonable in the eyes of moderate, independent and swing voters.
The voices that would better articulate the message of the Democratic Party in the House lie with two men of distinction: John Murtha-(Pennsylvania) and John Lewis- (Georgia).
Pelosi has served well, but the Democrats strength no longer lies with her role as an opposition minority leader but today the Democratic Party should move to invest in unifying leaders. Pelosi in her current post would without question loose the Democratic Party votes. The Party cannot ignore the truth of a conservative leaning ideological shift throughout the country.
Who could win the swing votes? Who could be respected by Conservatives to be the next Speaker of House? Lewis & Murtha both elder statesmen, with coherent views would offer realistic & practical leadership.
Lewis may in deed be the idea candidate for Minority Leader. Our nation is more political divided and racially agitated than it has been in years. The proof is this: 1) the revelations brought forth in the governments response to hurricane Katrina. 2) The rise pf Immigration issues and worker protest. The time is ripe for the Democratic Party to bring together the black & Hispanic communities and hold their block of votes for years to come.
John Lewis was a leader within the civil rights movement; he walked with Martin Luther King. He is a Christian. Lewis could be a strong uniting force.
Lewis is not, how can I say, an African American leader whom has be pigeon holed into simply representing for the black community. Lewis already holds the post of senior chief deputy whip being the 7th highest ranking Democratic House member.
The Republicans are afraid of the potential influence of 1 current representative alone, the Honorable Mr. John Murtha. His name speaks for itself. Murtha would do well as Deputy Minority Whip, articulating a united Democratic position on the War in Iraq. The ambiguous stance the party now holds is doing nothing but loosing potential votes.
Changes must be made within the Democratic Party. The same old tired strategies have not won elections. The House, the Senate, the White House are in the hands of Republicans. 8 years of Republican rule.
It is time for Democrats to aggressively take the lead and retake the U.S. House of Representatives.
-Anthony T. Brooks, Checks & Balances Blog
John Lewis:
John Murtha:
Report on Murtha’s interest in Leadership:
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