Howard Dean and Alexis Herman would have shown superior leadership in addressing this matter before the Florida legislature changed the primary schedule. Now the reaction of the DNC is borderline incompetence and certainly void of understanding of the concerns of Florida voters. The DNC was never strong enough on keeping corruption out our voting system, or demanding a voting system the people could have confidence. That is why Florida voted to move up its primary. This matter ultimately should be left to the states opposed to a national party that dropped the ball on this issue. Were Dean and Herman sleeping when Florida was debating this schedule change? This further shows the weakness of the Democrats; a lack of unity in addition to strong leadership. The DNC disenfranchising Florida voters may spark the important fringe Democrats that always vote, volunteer and contribute to break away from the Democratic Party.
"Message from Karen Thurman
As Chair of your State Party, I will go before the Rules & Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Saturday to fight to preserve Florida's full and diverse representation in the presidential primary process.
Under the Rules, the DNC has the authority to slash the delegate voting power of states that hold unauthorized presidential primaries prior to February 5, 2008, essentially making their votes meaningless. Because the Republican-controlled state Legislature moved our state's primary to January 29, 2008, Florida Democrats may be subject to severe penalties.
On Saturday, we will make our case to the DNC. I'm going to fight to have Florida's votes counted, but in reality, I'm only one out of more than four million Florida Democrats. The DNC really needs to hear from people like you.
Can you take just a few moments to tell the DNC why you believe it should make Florida count? I'm going to take your messages - and your voices in spirit - with me to Washington. The meeting is Saturday morning, so get your comments in by Friday at 5 PM.
As you may recall, we've had success in the past when your voice was heard, such as when Democratic legislators read your comments on the floor of the Florida Senate in the heat of the class-size debate in 2006. We succeeded then because of your support, and I have faith that your action now will help make the difference.
You have the power. Tell DNC Chairman Howard Dean and the Rules & Bylaws Committee how important it is that Florida's votes be counted on January 29. I truly believe they will listen.
Florida Democrats must stand together and demand that our votes be counted. In this discussion, there is nothing more important than making sure that Florida Democrats are not disenfranchised.
Our state has seen far too much of this in the past: the 2000 election debacle, eligible voters purged from the voting rolls based on race, Black voters intimidated at the polls, 18,000 votes vanishing because of touch screen machines in 2006, the list goes on and on.
Send a message right now. There's no time to waste.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication.
Congresswoman Karen L. ThurmanChair, Florida Democratic Party
P.S. Send me your comments right now, and be sure to forward this email to your friends, neighbors and families. Please don't put this off. Thank you again."
I think what has happened here is a disgrace to the people in Florida who have voting rights. So it boils down to if you are a (R) your heard, if you are a (D) you have been silenced. I am thinking the people in Florida should be able to file a class action against the state and the DNC for Political Discrimination..I have rights to vote and when I vote my voice should be heard! Taking away our voice over something Charlie (Gov) has done will be used again to steal the elections.. I can see it now! Hillary/Obama Loose to McCain due to loss of Florida's Delegates
Passage of Florida legislative bill HB 537 has caused 1.7 million voters to become disenfranchised. Unless the RNC & DNC policies are changed, this could happen to you some day; regardless of your state or party affiliation. The contents of this website will discuss this bill, what happened; and what you can do to try to reverse this situation and prevent it from recurring. Please help us reinstate the voting rights of Florida Democrats. How you can help:
Pass this information on to others.
Visit the website
Read the Position Summary Section
Visit the What To Do Page and follow our action suggestions
If you have already signed a petition that combines the Michigan and Florida reinstatement effort, please sign this petition also. There are different arguments for each state and I believe they need to be argued independently.
Please keep these facts in mind as you read the contents of this website:
* The Florida Democratic primary election ballot had all democratic candidates listed.
* Florida Dems have been disenfranchised, through no fault of their own
* HB537 was written by a Florida Republican to change Florida's primary date.
* A state legislature has interfered with it's constituents National voting rights.
* The Florida Democratic Party did NOT change this date, the legislature did.
* The Florida legislature has an overwhelming Republican majority.
* The House of Representatives in Florida have 41 Democrats; 71 Republicans.
* The Senate in Florida have 14 Democrats; 26 Republicans
* The state of Florida has a Republican Governor.
* The citizens of the state of Florida did NOT vote on this date change.
* HB537 was passed in May 2007 & legislatively changed the Florida primary date.
* This date was, and still is, unalterable by the Florida Democrats.
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