Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Partnerships and Marriage - Unevenly Yoked

Partnerships and Marriage - Unevenly Yoked 

This is a term Mom has said to me more than once. From her I respect sound advice & wisdom built upon a foundation of love, respect and family. No competition within a marriage nor family when it comes to love. Researching this verse only honoring her words. Today not acting upon a vice of mine that searching for lets just say certain 'activities'.

"In ancient culture, a yoke was a wooden device that fit around the neck and shoulders of an animal to prevent discomfort. It was also used as a term to describe submission. "

  • Isaiah 10:27 describes God's anointing as the power to remove burdens and destroy yokes 

But today love surpasses all burdens and pressures and it has nothing to do with sexisms. 

As for financial burdens or worrying in the United States of America what is the question? The solution is not to write an essay on the ownership society for that leads to creation of monarchies.

Our example is Jesus Christ through peace and love. My failure this week was stating love to a friend while not showing them such in person nor listening. And you no what that is not of me.  The plus is however listening to an outstanding blessed mother. Now this statement might lead to a sermon so let’s listen to the beautiful voice of Calvin Nowell

- A.T. Yoda Brooks 

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