Impeachment & Anti-War March Geared to Be a Success!
My Friends it is not too late for you to join this movement. If you have not already decided to attend, I strongly urge you and your family to do something patriotic, bold & spontaneous! If you cannot attend please make a contribution to this grass roots Movement. Attend the Impeachment and Anti-War March in our nation’s capital on September 24th, 2005 –Noon on Pennsylvania Ave. across from the White House.
"Dear Anthony,
It is nearly impossible to keep up with the surge of support and participation in the September 24 anti-war demonstration and the massive ImpeachBush contingent that will be assembling at 11:00 am at the White House’s Ellipse.
We will be joining Ramsey Clark, Cindy Sheehan, Actor Jessica Lange, Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney and Maxine Waters, British parliamentarian George Galloway, survivors of Hurricane Katrina and more than 100,000 others in the most vivid repudiation of George Bush’s criminal war.
Impeachment volunteers will start gathering at 10:00am at a large tent, adorned with beautiful ImpeachBush.org banners, on the grounds of the Ellipse (south side of the White House.)
We are excited to announce that Ramsey Clark will join us at the ImpeachBush.org volunteers' tent on the Ellipse prior to the start of the 11:30 am rally. Ramsey Clark has been spearheading this movement.
We need hundreds of volunteers to come to the ImpeachBush.org tent so that people can pick up leaflets and other impeachment materials to be distributed during the course of the day. If you think you can join us as a volunteer, please come to the tent when you arrive at the Ellipse in the morning.
It is extremely heartening that so many people have supported this campaign. So many volunteers have taken time to make this movement grow.
The calendar in the weeks ahead is full and we ask everyone to participate in some way. The impeachment movement can’t do it without you:
Three Initiatives for the Impeachment Movement
September 24: Mobilize a massive contingent for the National March on Washington DC. This is a demonstration initiated by the peace movement and it is shaping up to be the largest demonstration since the beginning of the Iraq war. We will make the demand "Impeach Bush" highly visible throughout the day. The ImpeachBush movement will be assembling at the south side of the White House (an area called the Ellipse at 11:00 am). You can pick up ImpeachBush banners, placards, signs, literature, hats, and petitions. We need volunteers to help us dispatch people and materials starting in the early morning of September 24. If you can help out please send an email letting us know your availability to be an ImpeachBush.org volunteer.
September 26: Flood Congress with emails calling for Impeachment. ImpeachBush/VoteToImpeach.org is setting up an easy to use mechanism so that hundreds of thousands of emails can be sent by people all over the country on Monday September 26 demanding that their elected official introduce Articles of Impeachment for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and other high officials.
Take out full page newspaper ads. We have placed full page newspaper ads in the New York Times, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle and in newspapers in other parts of the country.
We are soliciting funds now so that the next round of newspaper ads can follow directly after the September 24 mass demonstrations and the September 26 National Lobbying Day."
Vote to Impeach:
Impeach Central:
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